Sunday, March 6, 2011

Culinary Arts School : Lite Kaya

Lite Kaya (Home Made Recipe)

Traditional kaya or egg jam is usually rich with eggs, coconut cream and sugar. Our light version is lower in fat and sugar – but just as tasty!

150 ml   thick coconut milk
30 g        palm sugar
150 g      fine granulated sugar
3              eggs, beaten
3              pandan leaves, tied into a knot.

Combined all the ingredients in a mixing bowl and strain mixture into a heatproof bowl. Ensure that bowl can be placed into a saucepan that is half-filled with water later.

Heat the pan of water. When it comes to a boil, lower heat and place your bowl of kaya mixture into the pan. Cook, stirring consistently, until kaya thickens – about 20 minutes. Cool and store kaya in the refrigerator, where it can be kept for up until 1 week.  

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